Lifewell Church Covenant
United in the faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, revealed in history, disclosed in the Scriptures, and experienced in human life, we have individually submitted our lives to His control and entered into the new covenant established by His blood. We have been immersed in water as a symbol of our obedience
(Matthew 28:18-20),
and we have been immersed by the Holy Spirit, who has given us the true washing of rebirth and renewal
(Titus 3:5).
We have responded to the Spirit’s call to come out of the world and worship the One True God, who expresses himself as a Trinity of Persons, Father, Son and Spirit, and is fully revealed in the person of the Son, Jesus Christ
(John 1:18, Colossians 1:19, Colossians 2:9, Hebrews 1:3).
The Holy Spirit is present in each of our hearts as proof that we belong to Jesus Christ
(Romans 8:9),
have adoption as children in God’s family
(Romans 8:16)
and are sealed to guarantee eternal life
(2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 1:13).
Because of Christ’s gracious sacrifice on the cross and victorious resurrection, and through our faith, we are privileged to count ourselves among God’s chosen people, part of his royal priesthood
(1 Peter 2:9-10).
We agree to this covenant together.
We surrender ourselves completely to the leadership of Jesus Christ
(Romans 10:13).
We submit ourselves to one another out of reverence for Christ.
(Ephesians 5:21).
We submit ourselves to the spiritual authority of our Pastors, who are called to be our servant leaders fully submitted to Christ.
(1st Thessalonians 5:12-13, 1 Corinthians 11:1, Hebrews 13:7 & 17, 1st Peter 5:1-3, 1st Timothy 5:17).
We will hold one another accountable to follow Jesus’ teachings and example in all places at all times.
(1st Thessalonians 5:14, Romans 15:14, Colossians 3:16).
We will live according to the Bible’s clear teaching regarding marriage and sexual morality.
(1 Thess. 4:4-8, 1 Cor. 6:9, 17-20)
Marriage is a holy covenant between a man and a woman for life.
(Mark 10:6-9)
We reject every form of sexual expression that happens outside of the holy marriage covenant.
(1 Cor. 5)
When we fall short we will honestly confess to God for forgiveness.
(1 John 1:9, Prov. 28:13).
and we will confess to trustworthy fellow believers in our community for accountability and healing.
(James 5:16).
We commit ourselves to do all that we are able to fulfill the stated mission of Lifewell Church:
Lifewell Church is called out to be a refuge,
worshiping God in the Spirit and in truth,
reaching the unreached with the Gospel
and learning to live well through faith in Jesus Christ.
We agree to meet together faithfully
(Hebrews 10:24-25):
To worship the One True God in the Spirit and in truth
(John 4:23-24),
To pray
(2 Chronicles 7:14-15, 1 Thessalonians 5:17),
To have our minds renewed by learning God’s written word, the Bible.
(Romans 12:2),
To learn how to live life well by becoming more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
(Romans 8:29, Matthew 10:24-25, Acts 4:13).
We will support our church and its ministry through the cheerful and consistent giving of our resources.
(1Corinthians 9:7).
We commit to love one another as Christ has proven his love for each of us.
(John 13:34-35).
We will love everyone around us as ourselves.
(Matthew 22:39).
We will love non-believers in the same way as our Father, who gave His Only Begotten Son to die for every human being.
(John 3:16, Matthew 5:44-45, Romans 5:8).
We will strive to love our enemies as Christ commands.
(Matthew 5:44-45).
We will build community by sharing and caring for one another’s needs.
(Acts 2:44-45, 4:32-35).
We will practice justice and treat all people with equality.
(James 2:1, Galatians 3:28, Colossians 3:11, 2 Corinthians 5:16-17).
We will judge no one. We accept people as they are, not as we wish they were.
(Matthew 7:1-2, Romans 5:6-8).
We will share our faith in Jesus Christ with everyone who will receive us, so that they may be well.
(Luke 5:31-32, Matthew 7:5).
We will seek to reach the unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
(Romans 15:20-21).
We will never say or do anything to slander or disrespect a fellow believer in Christ.
(Galatians 5:15, Ephesians 4:29).
We will support and participate in missionary efforts to reach people in cultures and countries beyond our personal experience and reach.
(Matt. 28:19-20, Acts 1:8).
We will cooperate with other biblically Christian organizations as we are led.
(John 10:10, 8:58, 1st Timothy 3:16-17).
We agree to follow Jesus’ teaching (Matthew 18:15-17) when a covenanted member has offended another or obviously demonstrates a need for correction.
Every one of us is bound by this covenant until one of our number is clearly called by the Spirit of God to another New Testament church, at which time we will joyfully send them with our blessing.
United in the faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, revealed in history, disclosed in the Scriptures, and experienced in human life, we have individually submitted our lives to His control and entered into the new covenant established by His blood. We have been immersed in water as a symbol of our obedience
(Matthew 28:18-20),
and we have been immersed by the Holy Spirit, who has given us the true washing of rebirth and renewal
(Titus 3:5).
We have responded to the Spirit’s call to come out of the world and worship the One True God, who expresses himself as a Trinity of Persons, Father, Son and Spirit, and is fully revealed in the person of the Son, Jesus Christ
(John 1:18, Colossians 1:19, Colossians 2:9, Hebrews 1:3).
The Holy Spirit is present in each of our hearts as proof that we belong to Jesus Christ
(Romans 8:9),
have adoption as children in God’s family
(Romans 8:16)
and are sealed to guarantee eternal life
(2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 1:13).
Because of Christ’s gracious sacrifice on the cross and victorious resurrection, and through our faith, we are privileged to count ourselves among God’s chosen people, part of his royal priesthood
(1 Peter 2:9-10).
We agree to this covenant together.
We surrender ourselves completely to the leadership of Jesus Christ
(Romans 10:13).
We submit ourselves to one another out of reverence for Christ.
(Ephesians 5:21).
We submit ourselves to the spiritual authority of our Pastors, who are called to be our servant leaders fully submitted to Christ.
(1st Thessalonians 5:12-13, 1 Corinthians 11:1, Hebrews 13:7 & 17, 1st Peter 5:1-3, 1st Timothy 5:17).
We will hold one another accountable to follow Jesus’ teachings and example in all places at all times.
(1st Thessalonians 5:14, Romans 15:14, Colossians 3:16).
We will live according to the Bible’s clear teaching regarding marriage and sexual morality.
(1 Thess. 4:4-8, 1 Cor. 6:9, 17-20)
Marriage is a holy covenant between a man and a woman for life.
(Mark 10:6-9)
We reject every form of sexual expression that happens outside of the holy marriage covenant.
(1 Cor. 5)
When we fall short we will honestly confess to God for forgiveness.
(1 John 1:9, Prov. 28:13).
and we will confess to trustworthy fellow believers in our community for accountability and healing.
(James 5:16).
We commit ourselves to do all that we are able to fulfill the stated mission of Lifewell Church:
Lifewell Church is called out to be a refuge,
worshiping God in the Spirit and in truth,
reaching the unreached with the Gospel
and learning to live well through faith in Jesus Christ.
We agree to meet together faithfully
(Hebrews 10:24-25):
To worship the One True God in the Spirit and in truth
(John 4:23-24),
To pray
(2 Chronicles 7:14-15, 1 Thessalonians 5:17),
To have our minds renewed by learning God’s written word, the Bible.
(Romans 12:2),
To learn how to live life well by becoming more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
(Romans 8:29, Matthew 10:24-25, Acts 4:13).
We will support our church and its ministry through the cheerful and consistent giving of our resources.
(1Corinthians 9:7).
We commit to love one another as Christ has proven his love for each of us.
(John 13:34-35).
We will love everyone around us as ourselves.
(Matthew 22:39).
We will love non-believers in the same way as our Father, who gave His Only Begotten Son to die for every human being.
(John 3:16, Matthew 5:44-45, Romans 5:8).
We will strive to love our enemies as Christ commands.
(Matthew 5:44-45).
We will build community by sharing and caring for one another’s needs.
(Acts 2:44-45, 4:32-35).
We will practice justice and treat all people with equality.
(James 2:1, Galatians 3:28, Colossians 3:11, 2 Corinthians 5:16-17).
We will judge no one. We accept people as they are, not as we wish they were.
(Matthew 7:1-2, Romans 5:6-8).
We will share our faith in Jesus Christ with everyone who will receive us, so that they may be well.
(Luke 5:31-32, Matthew 7:5).
We will seek to reach the unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
(Romans 15:20-21).
We will never say or do anything to slander or disrespect a fellow believer in Christ.
(Galatians 5:15, Ephesians 4:29).
We will support and participate in missionary efforts to reach people in cultures and countries beyond our personal experience and reach.
(Matt. 28:19-20, Acts 1:8).
We will cooperate with other biblically Christian organizations as we are led.
(John 10:10, 8:58, 1st Timothy 3:16-17).
We agree to follow Jesus’ teaching (Matthew 18:15-17) when a covenanted member has offended another or obviously demonstrates a need for correction.
Every one of us is bound by this covenant until one of our number is clearly called by the Spirit of God to another New Testament church, at which time we will joyfully send them with our blessing.